Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trailer for Swedish zombie flick ZON 261

Released date: 2012.??.??

Here's the translated synopsis:
Landskrona, 2013th Strong disagreements between Svenner and immigrants. A ship crashes into the harbor. Police enters the wreck - and attacked by the infected herd. The bitten policemen is in a coma.
And wakes up as monsters.

The infection is spreading like wildfire. Any attempt to flee the city.

But the city is quarantined - National Task Force and the military set up a concrete wall around the. The few non-infected - Svenner and immigrants - taking shelter in the citadel.

Meanwhile, the infected try to turn themselves in to their haunts, they must be uninfected decide which ones are the worst monsters: their former enemies on the inside - or those infected out there.

While the conflicts inside escalates to boiling point, the non-infected, in order to survive, to determine if they see their former enemies as monsters - or as sisters and brothers, if they see each other as Svenner and blue - or as neighbors.

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